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Thursday, March 25, 2021

231 The Late Castle Of Nottebohm - Belgium

Unfortunately put down in 2018, this pseudo-Victorian castle built in 1908 would have deserved a better fate.

 It caught the attention of Tim Burton and was his first pick for his movie Miss Peregrine Home for Peculiar Children. But the filming eventually took place elsewhere (probably due to the decaying state of the building).

More here (in French):

230 You Came Looking For Nude Men, Did You Not?

229 Breaking News!

Nah... Nothing of importance to you guys.

Yesterday I finally made the appointment with my pharmacist for the anti-covid shot next Tuesday. Second shot eight weeks later, as expected.

By the way, a simple question: why the hell when taking drugs the side effects are to be annoying and painful? Why can they never be enjoyable, such as light but communicative euphoria, enhanced appetite for growing flowers in the neighbor's garden, erotic/horny dreams at night...?

[plentiful of erotic dreams would be a major prescription argument]