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Wednesday, July 13, 2022



































Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Watched This On TV Back When I Was A Teen

And, thanks a million to you Richard, I got to watch this beautiful choreography again.

We all know that Ravel's Bolero owns the record of the most often classical partition played. But to me it's not about the Guinness, more about how it made me understand how any piece of art, no matter its age, style or origin, can be related and/or accommodated to whatever emerging inspiration that one person is into.
In retrospect, I think it helped me see anything new, and anyone, through different angles.

Edit: the video Richard wanted to point me to is actually the one below:

Same choreography from Béjart, performed in 2008 by Nicolas Le Riche.

'Man Putting On His Shirt'

John Koch (1909-1978)

Overembroidery in All Its Splendor


Fancy Of The Day

Shades of Colours

Monday, July 11, 2022

Meanwhile, Some Say French Is A Difficult Language

(is it a humorous Canadian typo in the text? I'm too lazy right now to look for a Marie-Anne Webster's Thesaurus on Amazon, but I have no doubt it's for sale :-)

Via our beloved BigWhackAttack