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Monday, October 3, 2022

Should you need a St Christopher’s medal

It’s been a looong weekend spent, again (that’s the job), at sending mechanics for them to tow broken down cars; ordering rental cars for people who, for many of them, think their last name is Kardashian and that they deserve a helicopter to be sent right away; sending taxis for customers for them to board a train or a flight we had previously - and hastily - reserved without them having to lift a finger; taking care of bills in their place so that they wouldn’t even have to pay anything upfront, etc…
Fortunately I am the kind of guy who thinks that my day at work has been worthwhile as long as I got at least one person on the line whom words and tone were actually grateful. You know, the kind of person you wish to say to « thank you, you’ve just made my day ». That very kind - pun intended - of people you want to give your best to. And these people do exist.
And you know you chose the right path when, at 10PM, you get a call from a very worried old woman whose elder sister of 78 is left alone at a hospital reception, diagnosed ok but still in shock after her car accident, but you still manage to bypass her insurance details and provide her with a taxi that’ll picke her up and deliver her at her place, no matter the distance.
Or the difference it makes to walk parents’ shoes wether they’re with a baby or teenagers when it comes to sending them back home after a faraway day trip that ended them left with no means in the middle of nowhere.

Or is it just the Scout in me being happy, so many years later, to do what I was raised for?
Yep, probably :-)