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Saturday, January 30, 2021


Very First First Picture To Be Sent By a Follower

Thanks a Lot Mark!

Picture(s) of You Or Your Preferred Fantasy Guy?

Send Them Over And I'll Just Post Them Here.

C'mon Guys:

You Don't Need To Subscribe As Followers To Contribute.

Wish You All a Fantastic Weekend!


Xersex said...

too many guys!

BatRedneck said...

Am I wrong or do II sense a tiny bit of irony here? Tu est juste un peu gourmand :-))
Plus sérieusement, Mark a franchi le pas en m'envoyant une photo de lui.
Ce qui me donne l'idée de, peut-être / pourquoi pas / éventuellement / faut voir, poster un jour une photo de my French dick.