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Wednesday, February 3, 2021


The Beauty of Maturity


Jimmy said...

I love hairy Daddy types. And, you can guess which are my favs. I mean, really,...who wouldn't like to be looking up at that guy standing over you? Great post!

BatRedneck said...

One thing I hadn't noticed before you enlightened me is that men wearing a baseball cap are kind of recurring among the pics I chose to keep the past years. Funny one can learn about their own tastes sometimes.

Michehot said...

Great post! Hot daddies!!!!!!

Xersex said...

I am 49 years old and I see myself in these daddies. Also because I know very well that even at 80 years of age, I'll still be full of lustful cravings.

BatRedneck said...

Xersex, I do relate to that, and I'd be pleased to "make friends" with a bunch of them :-)

Anonymous said...

just love the older men because I am one and I find them so very sexy and a lot more interesting in every way!!