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Thursday, April 1, 2021

243. Proud Mature Guys


Henri said...

Very nice mature and hairy men. I like them. Thanks for posting pics of normal, ordinary men.
Merci beaucoup, et mes félicitations pour ton blog et tes commentaires dans ďautres blogs.

uptonking said...

In praise of older men... gravity may threaten, but it can't diminish true beauty. Amazing how, as I age, my needle re: what is hot keeps moving with me. I think it should be that way. Older men lusting after barely legal... icky. Grow up and start enjoying everything time and nature has to offer! Thanks, dear.

whkattk said...

Oh, my.... there are some very sexy guys here. Course, being proud of the cock is an instant turn-on, isn't it?

BatRedneck said...

You are all very welcome. And I mean it.
Henri, tu sais ce que l'on dit : "la beauté est dans l'oeil de celui qui regarde", et moi j'ajouterai que c'est ce qui rend beau celui qui sait voir.

Uptonking, I actually feel very lucky for I always felt enticed by guys my age, however old I was. I wish that upon any person. It doesn't mean one cannot be attracted by a youngster, it only means tastes and possibilities widen as they age. How lucky we are!

Whkattk, we all know our basics when it comes to looking at a man's specifics: (in random oder, depending on who's looking) the eyes (to dive in) - the hands (to be held) - the bum (to be watched and squeezed) - the smile (to be filled with our tong) - the hair color (al over the body to be sniffed) - and the bulge, masterpiece of worshiping.

Michehot said...

It's never too late to be sexy...

Xersex said...

They look so sexy!

Anonymous said...

hot dam, old is beautiful and sexy!!!