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Monday, April 5, 2021

252. Have I Mentioned That I Have A Thing For Gingers?


Emile Karl said...

j'suis à fond sous le charme des rouquins ! belle série.

BatRedneck said...

A apprécier dès le p'tit déjeuner.
Miam !

whkattk said...

Ha! Don't blame you? Who doesn't like a ginger?

uptonking said...

I do, too. Especially German Gingers. Very hot. Their dicks are so pretty. Pristine. They're so cute. You just want to slap 'em. And have them spit on you. (Huh?) Just me? Oh, okay.

BatRedneck said...

whkattk: some don't, which I see as a good thing for it lessens the competition towards these beauties :-)

uptonking: Germans and Nordics are a call for lust. And Germans have a way to explore kinks...
And no, this is definitely not 'just you' ;-p