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Saturday, April 10, 2021

265. LGBT+ Conversion Therapy Is A Shame

I just came across this and it hurts:

Really?! Are there still people / 'institutions' / self-righteous bigots free to inflict such damage on individuals solely in dear need of help, listening, attention and bits of guidance?

If you are not aware of conversion therapy (which goes beyond LGBTQ), you may want to read more Here.

A true revolution would be Acceptance.


uptonking said...

Conversion therapy is still practiced here in the US. Michele Bachmann's husband runs such an institute. It's a farce and a travesty... giving false and hurtful hope to parents and people of all ages. But, until religious institutions and cults are put back in the dark ages where they belong, we will have idiots doing 'the lords work'.

SickoRicko said...

This ties in with a documentary Jerry and I watched recently:

The video is supposed to expire Sunday evening, U.S. time, so I don't know if you'll have time to view it.

It's a very interesting struggle how the American Psychiatric Association was finally made to remove homosexuality as an "illness".

The struggle continues for everyone who is "different".

SickoRicko said...

I forgot to click email follow-up comments.

BatRedneck said...

Thank you so much Rick for the link.
As it's almost 5 AM here (night owl?) I just had a glimpse on that documentary but will sure watch it tomorrow (meaning later today), for it is gripping from the very start.
Have yourself a fine Sunday.

BatRedneck said...

@uptonking: as I am not familiar with most American figures, I searched 'Michele Bachmann' and, speak of a a surprise, I came up with 'member of the Republican Party' at the top of her bio. (I will spare you my comments on her pictures... kind of "Botox injection by day - multi-dick eater by night").
People like her and her husband no longer make me feel sick. We oughta be past that. They make me clench my fist.
I despise violence, by nature. But I also inherently reject THEIR violence which is solely based upon greed and exploitation of people's frailties.

Xersex said...

the conversion therapies of what is perfectly natural! what a shame!