Your Attention Please : should you own any kind of right upon a picture/video posted here and want it removed, please spare yourself the hassle of contacting Blogger, instead a simple email to my address will do the trick and I will swiftly remove that picture or video. To contact me just click on my Profile picture. Thank you.

Monday, May 3, 2021

322. "Flagged As Spam By Mistake" How Hilarious...

It took more than two months to Twitter's support team to come up with this answer to my appeal:

Hey guys: that is exactly what happens when you rely mostly upon automation and so-called intelligent algorithms.

Oh and, by the way, I never EVER posted anything on Twitter via that account. So for it to be considered as 'spammer' only shows how dumb your systems can be.


Xersex said...

What's your tewitter's profile?

BatRedneck said...

The current one I use is @BatRedneck
But the one that got temporarily blocked is my personal old one which I actually never used.

uptonking said...

Fascinating. So, rather like the right hand doesn't know what that the right is wanking off? Very strange. I dislike all social media, save blogger. And some days I'm not that big of a fan of it.

BatRedneck said...

Same here. I always keep in mind "when a product or service is free, you are the product".

Xersex said...

now I'm following you!

whkattk said...

I gave up on Twitter a few years ago.... Who has time to keep up with it all? LOL