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Thursday, July 1, 2021

417. Doppleganger?

Oh My! This mlkbrazil guy looks just alike David Boreanaz. I'm guessing he counts on the resemblance to make a hit on onlyfans.c*m


uptonking said...

I just love that people are so willing to share their dicks on the web. And I am so grateful that I am old enough to know not to do that... ever. LOL. Kizzes.

BatRedneck said...

Same here!
And I am continuously amazed dy the amount of men posting their nudity anywhere they can. Good for us.
And U.S. men are the most eager to do so it would seem. As par the counter on the blog, from the 112 countries so far the U.S. visitors account for 52% of the overall connections. This tends to show what I've been thinking for a long time: Americans are a huge bunch of teenagers over filled with hormones :-p