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Thursday, July 22, 2021

501. I Just HAD to Make a Meme of it...


Emile Karl said...

j'avoue des belle balloches comme je les aime.

BatRedneck said...

Identiques aux miennes, maintenant que j'y pense.
Ravi que mon attrappe-écureuil ait fonctionné :-)

elJiffy said...

If those nuts are like yrs, I demand proof.

Milleson said...

In all my years of experimenting and trying to reach a higher high, I was never satisfied with my boys, which spent most of their time buried deep inside my abdominal cavity, only coming out on very hot days. Last year I bought several sizes of stainless steel donut rings and a 20 ounce ball weight and have seen an improvement in the year and a half since I started. I can stretch my nads comfortably to 85 mm now and although they still travel up and down seeking the correct temperature to make the joy juice, they hang admirably down and floppy every evening. It's amazing what those magical orbs will tolerate! Those beauties pictured are a pair to draw to, and we're not talking cards here, gentlemen. Loving the side trips you're taking on your blog, in addition to the realistic men you post. Continued success.

uptonking said...

I actually can relate to that photo. I don't know what's happened (old age?) but my balls, when I am not erect, hang like you would not believe! Frequently I will be typing away on my laptop and am in pain, not understanding why... it's my balls. As in.. I am sitting on them or they are trapped in a weird way... I used to get upset with dudes who reached into their pants to adjust themselves... now? I share their pain.

BatRedneck said...

@elJiffy: Nice try, my friend :-p
I always kept my parts out of the Internet. But who knows, maybe one day I'll post my nuts among others. Could be fun.

@Milleson: it is a recurrent fact that us humans never get to be satisfied with what Nature provided us with. Brown haired men/women going blond, getting curly their straight hair, wishing they wouldn't have their balls hanging low (that'd be me) or the other way around like you experienced. By the way, congratulations for having disciplined them to your liking :-)
And thank you very much for the overall comment about the blog.

@Upton: argh, having to adjust these two became a habit since teenage-hood. I guess wearing briefs would help but I've been the spandex boxer shorts kinda man for too long now. Anyway, it's been fun - and a bit flattering - each time that I was given a "wow! your balls are so... blah blah". So I guess we both should be thankful, LoL!