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Saturday, July 31, 2021

533. A Few Models [folder is now empty]


uptonking said...

Give me amateur men any day... these models? Zzz. A bit. It's all so same-same. Real men have flaws and flaws are sexy.

BatRedneck said...

Same here. There will probably still be some here and there within my posts, as only/just-for-fans can be a fine source ( I'm guessing the success of such sites has the porn industry frown their eyes).

SickoRicko said...

Empty?! Whatever will we see in the future?

BatRedneck said...

Rick: you're comment is so genuine it actually made me laugh out loud :-p
Worry not, the "To Publish" folder never ends filling itself it seems.
[still chuckling]

elJiffy said...

11- The POV, and that intricately veined cock
16- At your service
17- It's all so beautiful