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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

633. My Thought Exactly

Venice set to introduce an entry fee and booking system for tourists
News article Here.

Twenty years ago give or take I and the former One were on our way to joining friends for a vacation in Croatia, and we had planned a stopover in Venice. Two short days in La Serenissima gave us a impressive glimpse at what she has to offer and hadn't it been for the overcrowded canals and alleyways, it could have turned into a Stendhal syndrome.

The pigeons once were Venice's most dreadful threat, but anyone who once crawled a crowd of people wearing lycra shorts and flip-flops, taking close-up photos of themselves in front of whatever magestuous building knows how nightmarish such a splendid place can become.

So The Hell Yes! I fully approve of that forthcoming measure. I may even add: It's about time.


whkattk said...

Perfect! Yes, it's about time.

uptonking said...

It is on my list. But I won't be going. The city doesn't need another tourist.

BatRedneck said...

Upton: you won't be a tourist but a lover of the Arts.

Anonymous said...

Seeing Venice overtopped by monstrously huge tourist ships, and the thousands they disgorge daily, it's high time the city began imposing limits on tourism.