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Thursday, September 16, 2021

721. Feed Your Head


whkattk said...

I LOVE THIS!!! Thank you!!

uptonking said...

I watch the news while I make dinner. I watch Judge Judy with my Mom every day at 4:00 pm Monday thru Thursday. That's it. I don't watch television. I do watch movies on the weekend... but not all the time... I know I am missing out on so much stuff, but there is SO MUCH STUFF that... who can keep up? Not me. Not gonna try. Better things to do with my time, like comment on other blogger's blogs!

BatRedneck said...

I couldn't agree more. Years ago I got fed up with all the commercials interrupting any TV show I would watch. After all, anything worth it can be accessed/downloaded from the Internet and watched whenever I see fit. So bye-bye TV. I still have one though, and the last time I turned it on was when I sent my laptop for repair :))