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Monday, September 27, 2021

766. Meanwhile, In Prison Cells


whkattk said...

Guards at one prison petitioned the state to turn off the cameras so they wouldn't have to see the inmates jacking off. The request was denied. LOL.

BatRedneck said...

Wow! LoL indeed :-p

SickoRicko said...


Mark Alexander said...

I need some alone time now.

BatRedneck said...

Alright Mark. His cell is the last one on your right down the corridor.

uptonking said...

With all that work put into it? I always expect a bigger ending. Kizzes.

uptonking said...

P.S. Based on what Whkattk said about prison guards? I want to apply. Sign me up!

BatRedneck said...

I'd rather keep it a fantasy :-p