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Thursday, September 30, 2021

776. Time Flies [part 3]


uptonking said...

Huh. A little creepy, a little sad and very interesting. Who creates these? You??? They are very creative and well done.

BatRedneck said...

Oh no :) I played around several times with Photoshop and softwares alike, mostly to create flyers for friends. But these are from illustrator Ard Gelinck who seems to have been prolific - and quite renown among them - at picturing famous people this way.

whkattk said...

Love the one of Obama. It's so perfectly fitting.

SickoRicko said...

Time stands still for no man (or woman).

Milleson said...

This third collection is wonderful. I gravitated toward the trio of Michael Jacksons, so poignant and tragic. Most of us luckily will never know the damage that great fame inflicts on these artists. It's so sad to think of the joyous music that we will never hear from Michael, Karen Carpenter. Whitney Houston and many, many more. But I'm very thankful for the pictures and music they have left to us.

BatRedneck said...

@Pat: I think the Obama couple have a long habit of mastering their image, and this picture is but a fine example. I'll post the one from Michelle in a further post, and it is just as 'convenient' - understand politically correct, I mean more than having a few thousand hype guests flying in their private jets at their Martha's Vineyard's resort in the middle of the pandemic, hem :-)

@Rick: This is precisely why I like the 'Memento Mori' things. I might post something about that someday.

@Milleson: I believe that many talented people are at their best before reaching a certain age. I mean, would have Jim Morrison, James Dean or Janis Joplin done better than what they left us?
Was John Lennon really on the verge of re-inventing himself when Double Fantasy went out (I somehow doubt that)?
Paul McCartney did a fine job - more or less - for quite some time. Yet, and as prolific as he is, in my opinion he did not succeed to provide us with a truly inspired full album since... 'Off The Ground’.
As much as Brigitte Bardot has been iconic, I'd rather she had tragically (or no) perished while at her zenith than becoming a sad and secluded ultra-right-winger - no actual harm meant, Mrs Bardot, live long and prosper with your hoard of dogs & cats & extremists in Saint-Tropez.
Will Charlton Heston be remembered as a fantastic actor, or as an activist for the right to citizens to bear a gun?

Fortunately, us mundane people are prone to coming up with our own personal hall-of-fame, whatever the qualities and the glitter we see in the characters. And I can live with that :-)

[note to myself: do not use a corkscrew unless it's Friday's evening - sorry guys]

whkattk said...

Charlton Heston will be remembered as an actor - a terrible one!

Anonymous said...

Harrison Ford was so hot...