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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

1350. Feeling blue today, so let’s cheer things up a bit

(I once was told by a couple of farmers that as far as they knew kale had always been grown for one purpose only: feeding farm rabbits, pigs, etc
They said "kale doesn't taste good, it's not something you wanna cook".
I tried anyway and... they were right.)


Mistress Maddie said...

The windows one cracked me up!

Xersex said...

funny & true

whkattk said...

Kale one cracked me up. Kale is bitter and it's like eating dry parchment paper.

Hope you're feeling better. 😘

SickoRicko said...

Lots of good ones here that I was going to post someday. Guess they'll wait a while longer. Anyway, we have a vegan friend who swears by kale. He sautés it with plenty of garlic and onion and olive oil. He can have it.

uptonking said...

I like kale. It needs to be thoroughly cooked, though. I think that's the issue most have with it. And if in salad, it need to be finely chopped. I take a scissors to it. Make it look like silage.

Thanks for the giggles.