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Friday, August 5, 2022

Friday Giggles


Milleson said...

Many of these had me laughing uncontrollably and a few of them had me tearing up with joy(Edward Scissorhands especially). You're either a master at finding the GOOD ones or my "happy pills" are working. Or maybe it's both! Good work, Laurent. Enjoy your weekend.

BatRedneck said...

@Richard: truth is as from this morning coffees I feared that the day will end sadly, and my way of battling it is just to show a sarcastic mood. My ordinary way to deal with confusion.

Unashamed Male said...

I love the second one. I wonder, now that women are allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia, what do their drivers license ID photos look like? A photo of a veil? -Larry

BatRedneck said...

@Larry: or possibly the photo of their owner, I mean their husband...