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Friday, August 19, 2022

Inconvenient Truth: The French Touch

The French people - and governments for the past century - initiated and ruled the separation of State and Church(es) as part of how a democratic society should be seriously ran. Meaning we expelled religious societies from State affairs, maintaining them to where they belong: managing the religious matters and beliefs of their own flocks. Point blank.

Definition of "Tromperie" from the Larousse French dictionary:
- bluff (colloquial) - deception - feint - fraud - hypocrisy - imposture - decoy - bad faith - mystification - trickery
- The crime of misleading a person about the goods delivered or the services provided.

Yep, sounds pretty accurate to me, even covered with orange cosmetics.


SickoRicko said...

That history lesson needs to be spread around.

Anonymous said...

Remplacer le o de tromperie par un u ne change rien a la définition....