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I'd love to grab those ears whilst I ride that cock!
You bet!
Contrary to many people I always thought that some details such as protruding ears or a squinting eye should not make a man less attractive. In fact I observed it's quite often the opposite, in the way that it provides them with that 'something' that others would be too fearful to assume.
I remember Arnaud, an old friend of mine - we went to college together - who had a glass eye following an accident in his childhood. At some point I realized that it was entirely part of his charm, on top of his beautiful personality. A few years later we met again as adults and just couldn’t help a splendid night of love :-)
(plus I'm not afraid of snakes thanks to him, for he introduced me to his Royal Python which I can recall slippering over my arms and neck)
Yazzzzz... love the piss pic. Oh, Daddy...
Does this hard dick guy have a name, see his pictures all over the internet!!
Not that I'm aware of, or maybe I didn't pay attention.
Maybe a reverse search with a couple of picture will lead to the answer.
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