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Sunday, November 20, 2022

At Random in The Interweb Aisles

I for one did not know of this song.
I was watching a video that's not worth reposting, but I got immediately hooked by the song it used as theme. Both for its music and lyrics. I thought it would make a fine background to having sex, and there's a good reason at that, it appears. A couple of clicks in Shazam and here it is:

Gay porn actor & producer Johnny Hazzard and his single from 2006 Deep Into You.

Too bad the filming looks a bit cheap, but the song has a New Order inspiration that I love, and the lyrics are slightly daring while avoiding vulgarity. (and the man remains pleasant to look at anyway)


SickoRicko said...

I really like that!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Dragula from Rob Zombie

Xersex said...

Johnny Hazzard pseudo of Frankie Valenti (Cleveland, 21 september 1977)
sexy for sure