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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Found Some folders That Need Emptying



Xersex said...

fantastic set, as usual!

Mistress Maddie said...

And to think, I have a slot that needs filled.

Michehot said...

Hot, beautiful sexy plenty of men!!!!!
Thanks for sharing!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, yes.
Now I'm hungry.


SickoRicko said...

Some of these went from your folder to one of mine.

uptonking said...

I have something that needs emptying, too... this collection? Did the trick!

VoenixRising said...

Folders that need emptying? I only see a bunch of MEN who need emptying!

BatRedneck said...

@Xersex: One has to take good care of their regular customers :-P

@Maddie: I think we both have reached a point where the o in 'slot' turns out to be a 'u', don't you think?

@Michehot: Well I guess one could say that I'm trying to live up to the song "It's raining men".

@Sixpence: aren't we all, all the time? At least us guys admit it :)

@Rick: LoL! No matter how old we get, it seems we always find a use for these so-called socks drawers.
(great, now I'm laughing like an idiot...)

@Upton: As it did for me, obviously.
Wait... Doesn't it make it like some kind of Both time and place remote circle-jerk?
I like the idea - as long as #45 doesn't intrude with his collectible cards, yuck! LoL!

@Mark: Straight to the point, and always willing to solve other's problems despite your usual grumpy wit :-) Your husband is a lucky one, but this he knows already.

Anonymous said...

the last picture is one hot mother of a bear!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous blog....
Really liked the guy sitting outside at the wooden table allowing only the photographer to see his cock.
Thanks. Darryl