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Friday, December 16, 2022

Friday Double Entry: Random Men


Xersex said...

Love your great great taste for men!

uptonking said...

Thank you for the variety, the armpits, the outdoor shots, the older gentlemen... nice mix.

Mistress Maddie said...

You're a bad influence. I found the first guy and his cock so hot I had to pull my own out and run one off before work!!!! I have learned NOT to read your blog at work.

whkattk said...

Again, the first dude belongs at the top of the list! Happy Friday!

BatRedneck said...

@Xersex: I don't know about that. I just think we both happen to appreciate the same kind of men.

@Upton: Well, you know me, life's too short to discard variety.

@Maddie: Well, as for you you are the finest of influence on me, for you made me laugh out loud!
For the record: I thought it was so obvious from the very first post that this blog was totally and undoubtedly NSFW that it never crossed my mind to mention it atop of the front-page.
Yet any selfy of you pulling it out will be welcome for me to post :-)

@Pat: is it about the jawline, the Iberian look, the tiger in the background, or "else"?

Paul Walrus said...

Never point your dick straight at camera.