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Thursday, December 8, 2022

Guru Meditation - Google's Mysterious Ways...

Any owner of a blog on Google's platform receives sporadic emails meant to keep them updated on how their blog "performs". Emails that I quickly discard for they're about "impressions" "traffic" or even reached objectives which I never set it to.
All things of vanity it appears, although my pragmatism knows it all comes down to Google's sole purpose: monetizing everything, starting with any page/content that fuels the Internet.

And today I was "awkwarded" (ha! ha!) with:

So, a pocketful of people are searching (nude) workmen and/or rednecks in Google search engine?
Gosh... What am I supposed to do with this? Assuming that I'd care - which I don't. As a blogger I already know how many views the blog gets on a daily/monthly basis.

Silly me: the message is hardly subliminal her. It reads "Dear Laurent, many people are looking your blog up. They would most certainly be interested by the products you would advertise on your pages, and your true reward is your chance at monetizing them, blah-blah..."
I wouldn't even be surprised should one of their algorithms share this with companies and businesses related to gay oriented products.

If I'm right then it'll be no surprise if I receive offers for putting some ad banners on the blog - yuck.
And if I'm wrong well, then again it's all just about vanity, if not vacuity :-)

The only thing I'm really happy with is for the visitors of the blog to find here whatever treats them for a fine me-time. And the best awards I'll ever get are the comments they leave and an email thanking me every now and then.
I might be a wee bit old-fashioned, but I'm used to making friends with actual people, not with bots, LoL.

[Guru mood : Off]


SickoRicko said...

Gee, I've never received one of those. I'm envious. )-:

Xersex said...

never me too

whkattk said...

I've never received anything like that. But I do upon occasion get a request from a company to advertise on my blog. I always turn them down. If there is to be any adverts they will be for my books...when they're finally ready.

dadangus said...

Think you have an amazing xollection of erotic natural men , Much better than
so many twinks who clearly spend too long looking in the mirror