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Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The Category Is: Thank Your Friends

You know what?

Everyone can have a hard day (no pun intended here, you naughty gents), and whenever I happen to get back home from work with the feeling that part of the weight of the world has soured my shoulders for hours, one thing I can sure rely on is your talent at making me smile throughout your comments.

To the point that the following thought just crossed my mind: keeping tracks of each smile you caused me while commenting the posts by copy-pasting them in a file that’ll become kind of a « You don’t feel well today? Just read me ».

I might even start by going backwards through the so many comments you all have left here, just for the fun of it :- )
(and yes, the wittiest of you are now already concerned that I might publish a regular florilege of them - that thought came to mind too…)

To put it short, and from the bottom of my heart:

Thank you!
And pretty please take care of yourself and the people you love, for I do wish you the very best.



Mistress Maddie said...

I couldn't agree more with you. It's not often I have a bad day, but when you do, and you come to read the comments later in the day some comments really make me crack up. I think that's a beautiful thing about blogging when we all "meet each other".

uptonking said...

Adore you, adore your blog, dear one. You deserve nothing but the best of days. Thank YOU - for all the MEN! Kizzes.

Michehot said...

Thank YOU Laurent for your hot blog!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks 🙏, I love your diverse posts, not everything floats my boat, but I love it when it does. I visit everyday. Y’all take care now, as a redneck would say.

elJiffy said...

Thank You, Laurent. May you keep on smiling!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is the reason I get out of bed in the morning.....that and the urge to pee.

All the best to you and a big thank you for the wonderful posts.

SickoRicko said...

I'm glad some of the comments do that for you. If I were there, I'd give you a nice shoulder massage.

Xersex said...

love your blog and I don't know if I can make you smile.

whkattk said...

Love the blog. You bring happiness and beauty to us. And, as Maddie says, it's the connection we develop that makes blogging worthwhile. XOXO