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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Two Days Of Laziness, At Last


VoenixRising said...

While they're all lovely, I'm going to have to go with:

#8 - just a regular guy but he looks like he'd be passionate.

#12 - Same as #8 with the added benefit of a nice pelt.

#19 - Bend me over and talk dirty, Daddy.

#33 - Okay, I'll climb on your "boat" if you insist...and you remind me of my 4th grade Phys Ed teacher who was my first fantasy, so there's that.

Mistress Maddie said...

If this is what lazy looks like dear, that I'm ready to be under it, on top of it, and beside it.

whkattk said...

May you truly enjoy them to the maximum!

SickoRicko said...

Enjoy your lazy weekend!

BatRedneck said...

#Mark: Wow! By the sound of you your husband will most certainly enjoy your weekend's mood :-p

@Maddie: How acrobatic of you! I'll try not to shake while holding the cam...

@Pat & Rick: Thanks! They have that cute thing at my company that is called the Secret Santa. You know... Whoever participates draws someone’s name at random to whom they get to offer a Christmas gift. I loved the idea from the start, no matter whose name I'd pick up. Fortune has been kind to me as the one that came up with is Lenny's, a discreet yet smart/efficient/calm and pleasant young colleague.
I think I'm gonna spoil him, like any dear uncle should, LoL!

Xersex said...

#18: love his huge liquid meal hanging in his condom!