Last Sunday, second day of a well deserved holiday that I was hoping to enjoy, I started feeling like a wreck, with major difficulty to regain my breath after the slightest of efforts like walking to the kitchen to fetch whatever food or beverage. Part of my brain recognized the symptoms but the fool on the hill atop of my mind kept telling me "you just had a bit too much of wine last night, it'll pass".
Monday felt worse, so on Tuesday I gritted my teeth and succeeded into reaching the Pharmacy to get tested - an epic walk worth the most enduring of the Himalayan Sherpas: no less than a 300m walk, fortunately I'm a wise man so I could count on a Ventoline inhalator support.
Suffice to say that a cotton swab in your nostril is not what one would expect as a reward after such an exploit, but the pharmacist was as usual a nice and caring woman - her only weakness being that she's not allowed to sell Obladi-Oblada, but that's another story.
So YES I'm fed up with that Covid-thing. We know the saying "everything comes in three". So, as it's the third time in three years exactly, despite three injections of vaccine in the meantime, I think I am now allowed to say LEAVE ME ALONE! Go infecting Orbán, Erdoğan or Putin (and please aim at some U.S. GOP's Reps to make good measure).
I'm starting to feel better now, hurray! Proof is I'm about to order online this pair of patches, though I haven't decided yet how nor on which jacket I'll pin them onto.
One thing the upper patch misses though: I think its list should start with HIV - 1980 and counting .
I guess I'll have to look for that additional patch then.
That's it. If you've reached this mood bill that far then thank you for reading it.
And please - pretty fucking please - take good care of yourself.
Your Frenchy,
I truly hope that this is your last bout of covid; my day, everyday begins with a visit to your site!
Oh Mon Dieu! Sorry to hear you're so attractive to that virus. I'm glad you're feeling better.
Cher ami, I'm glad you're feeling better. I got Covid last year (a mild case), despite being vaccinated, and I know I could get it again, despite getting all the booster shots, so I continue to wear a face mask in indoor public places like the supermarket. We may be done with Covid, but Covid is not done with us! -Larry
Best to you, mate. You're a daily read for me as well. Thank you!
Keep improving; we need you healthy. And I'm glad you still retain your wonderful sense of humor!
Ramón: from what you wrote I understand we both have similar taste in men :-)
And thank you because believe me I do hope the same.
Rick: Yep. everyone has their bad luck thingy. I wish mine was only getting pigeon shit on my shoulder once in a while...
Larry: Thank you for your kind words.
You stated a sad truth, for I envision that this mutating disease is something we'll have to - painfully - deal with for way longer than we initially though.
Thank you, hgisme: whatever the state I'm in I'l try my best to go on posting what we know are the true wonders of this world :-p
Manrico: your compliment just brightened my day. Thanks a million.
did you get COVID? your symptoms would seem to say yes. I had four vaccinations: two Moderna and two Pfitzer and I never got it. However, there are those who have had 4 vaccinations and got it twice. Mysteries of our immune system.
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