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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Let Your Mind Wander


uptonking said...

Beautiful and fun. I love a good adventure. I was supposed to be leaving for Puerto Vallarta today, but had to cancel. Someone stole my passport. I've been a mess since. Hope all is well with you, my dear. Kizzes.

Xersex said...

love your artistic mood!

whkattk said...

Great photos. Love the inside of the violin, viola, bass.... Not sure which it ism, but it's a great picture!

SickoRicko said...

Consider me wandered.

Workmen and Rednecks said...

Xersex: thanks. I always thought that logic thinking is part of apprehending art. Somewhat like nature & nurture are bounded.

Rick: you won't get lost in any of my moods, they always aim at somewhere soothing - I think?

Upton: if Puerto Vallarta was a business trip it's annoying enough; but if it's a holiday destination it is disastrous! Sending you my best of vibes for this situation to sort out in the best and quickest way. Hug you.

Pat: Loved that picture as I saw it and realized it was not an actual room while wishing it was at the same time. I knew it would be the 'destination' of a series of other pictures from the moment I dowloaded it. Had I a bit of Hurst's wealth I'd have my architect to build such a room for me - and I guess I would hire Mark to find me the relevant Hi-Fi equipment to go with :-)