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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

F*ck the UPS Delivery Thingy [evening mood] [Edited]

Yes, fuck UPS and their shitty parcel follow-up and delivery system. Their so-called online service that is supposedly intended to help you postpone your delivery or re-route it to another address according to your schedule, forcing you to register an account with details forever recorded in their database, only to provide you with a "Service temporarily unavailable" page, please call the blah-blah number - which of course is a vocal server that would make any geek go enrolling to Anonymous (whatever the color of the hat, possibly red like anger if not black like a death wish).
One piece of advice to anyone willing to set up their own online business: please give your customers the ability to choosing the carrier. Postal services may be a bit slower but, from what I have experienced, they prove to be just as much reliable and way less intrusive in the end.
[and now I'm gonna pop up open a beer, duh]


Today, scheduled delivery day, I received a call at work from the delivery man as I was not answering at my door. I explained what he - obviously - already knew: re-programing the delivery through their website was a pain in the nuts and failed, and asked if he could as be gentle as to re-deliver tomorrow as I'd be off and at home for the next two days.
"No problem, said the man. We'll re-deliver at your place tomorrow."
I warmly thanked him for taking care of it and - quite candidly - felt satisfied.
Only to find a notice in my letterbox when getting back home tonight stating that my parcel would be waiting for me to pick it up as from tomorrow at the local UPS depot which is... on the opposite side of my town, an approximate 8 minutes walk from where I work.

First: go to hell, you errand boy who cannot be trusted, you missed the thank you blow-job of your life.
Second: forcing me to to use the Tram as if I was going to work but on a day I should spend resting amongst the jungle that my terrace became this spring... this I will remember, UPS. And my wrath will be a dish served so cold that the hell’s flames I’ll be sending you in will not suffice to help you swallow it. (Yes, I can have quite the drama-Queen side)

End of the story, I Hope. Just like I hope that the parcel I'll be picking up tomorrow will be in good shape...
Now time to enjoy the sunset looking at my beloved plants with a fresh amber beer at hand, mm…
(if you read this till the end then you’re a darling)


Mistress Maddie said...

I couldn't agree more...and the mail service these days, for now, here, is moving pretty well again.

I did know one UPS driver once. I saw him out at the gay bar one night. We hung out and talked and ended up in my bed that night. And you'd think my deliveries by him would have improved. Nope. I once told him if my delivery was late, he'd have to suck my cock when he got to my house. they were sometimes on time.

Enjoy that beer handsome!

uptonking said...

It's all bad, my dear. Amazon, FedEx, UPS, etc. Always a crapshoot and no one gives a flying F if you ever get your package. Drivers don't read signs on gates or notes on orders. I avoid ordering on-line as much as possible for that reason. Besides, even if I do get my package, with the neighborhood I live in the way it is - its likely to be stolen before I get to it.

whkattk said...

UPS, USPS, FedEX.... I've had issues with them all at one point or another. But tracking YOU as you try to track a package is BS

SickoRicko said...

You deserve that beer.

Mistress Maddie said...

Oh dear....It gets worst!!!!!!! Now I just ordered some items Sunday...and they showed up at my door tonight already. Thanks heavens I was home!!! We can't win.

But if it would make you feel any better, you could suck my cock!!! LMAO!!!!

SouthernMen said...

Greater truth has never been spoked before!!! I had a delivery driver lay the package on the porch, take the picture and then pick up the package and i assume took it home with him about a month ago, i have yet to hear anything from the company after i've submitted my video footage.