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Friday, July 14, 2023

14 Juillet - National Day - Let Me Celebrate My Own Way

A celebration calls for some fireworks


Big Dude said...

Merci pour les feux d'artifice! Bonne Fete Nationale!

hsgisme said...

Come on, let's celebrate! It would be so nice! Great set! Love the bald guy in one of the sets, wearing the camo cap...yum!

SickoRicko said...

You sure know how to pick the best party favors.

Unashamed Male said...

Happy Bastille Day, Laurent!

Anonymous said...

Happy Bastille Day

whkattk said...

I hope you had a blast of your own on Bastille Day!

Xersex said...

love the penultimate video guy. i love the expression on his face and how he plays with his cum.