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Saturday, July 8, 2023

Content Warning [Guru Meditation]

It's been several days since the last time I was warned by Blogspot's Content Warning and agreement page while visiting my fellow bloggers sites.

Yet another mishap in Google's way to deal with the thing? Perhaps.
Though I suspect Google to be calculative enough to try and test their audience. To which purpose being the right question.
Maybe some twisted mind in their ranks thought "Ok, these blogs' visits have dropped down to 50% starting January 30, and 6 months later they have obviously not regain their full audience. Let's go without the Content Warning thingy for a short while and see what happens."
See? Those marketing/commercial so-called specialists are so easily bragging about how it all is about analytics of serious and huge lot of numbers, when in reality they're like most of us humans: not precisely knowing what they do and being empiric - as long as they can tell the board "We have an action plan in motion. We'll get back to you as soon as we collect enough data from it."
I wonder if they've ever heard about Lean Six Sigma...

Meanwhile - related or not - Meta is said to soon be launching a new application called Threads, supposedly meant to compete with Twitter and, let's be honest, appeal to the overwhelming amount of little-blue-bird's disappointed users. Just goes to show how the stupidity of a single over-ego'ed billionaire immediately whets the appetite of their peers.

That's all Folks!
Have a wonderful evening all.


Mistress Maddie said...

I have always gotten the content warning when visiting certain blogs. But on some days, there are two blogs, Sicko Ricko and Sixpence's blog that it will absolutely not let me past that page and I can't access their blogs at all.

SickoRicko said...

You mean to tell me that there was a time when the warning was not there?

I've always gotten that very warning on every blog I visit.

(Sorry Maddie, I don't know why that happens.)

BatRedneck said...

We all know that Google is like an Orwellian Big Brother with an ear and an eyes dedicated to scrutinizing each and every move we make on the Interwebs.
Well it seems they have been snuffing my post because today, just like that, the content warning page is again popping up at each adult Bloggers' site I'm visiting. So much for the 4 or 5 days of break the had given me. Still, the timing is 'funny'.
As I am not particularly paranoid, I'll go for local and temporary glitch in their system.
Or maybe it's the last updated of MacOS on my computer that makes the Safari browser manage their satanic cookies a bit better :-)
Anyhow and as written in any Programer's Bible: "Googles' ways are mysterious"...