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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Everyday is Candy Day


hsgisme said...

I always thought that song, Lollipop, was sung by men, in Thanks for educating me! Btw, was that a young Andy Williams doing the mouth pop? Young Andy Williams gives me the shivers!! He was so hot!

whkattk said...

LOL. You actually grabbed my full attention with the YouTube of "Lollipop."

SickoRicko said...

Nice collection of lollipops!

Bobby b said...

DICK 😍Yummy it's what for Breakfast Lunch Dinner and SnackTime 💋

Anonymous said...

#3 is so lickable

Xersex said...

lollipops to be sucked!

uptonking said...

Me? I'm an all-day sucker. Sigh.