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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Not an issue. Except That...
I am long used to whispering my thoughts out loud.


JiEL said...

This is so me each time I hear the name «Trump»....

From my Canadian point of view he is deserving so many «F...CKS» and now, many others like MTG, Gaetz, Boboert and, no.2 Trump DeSantis...

Saw his interview whit Jake Tapper and what a mother fucker too...
Saying that the indictments of Trump were politic weaponisation is outrageous coming from that turd who himself in Florida weaponised himself against Disney , education system and LGBTQ etc... What a jerk...

So many WTFs to say ...

hsgisme said...

There is so much WTF happening in this world. One cannot help but say WTF regularly.

Bobby b said...

You Too!!🤔