Your Attention Please : should you own any kind of right upon a picture/video posted here and want it removed, please spare yourself the hassle of contacting Blogger, instead a simple email to my address will do the trick and I will swiftly remove that picture or video. To contact me just click on my Profile picture. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Are You "right-click-and-save" Visitors : The Answer

To begin with, thanks to all you 22 visitors who took the time to answer the other day's question.

Setting one off topic comment aside, this leaves us with:

29% of you collecting "husband material"
67% storing fantasy fuel
  4% gluttonous (must enjoy my regular brunch and wiener-BBQs :-)


Mistress Maddie said...

I must have missed that post when I was away. I periodically will download a picture but I'm not looking for husband material so I guess I would be in the 67%. But very seldom do I ever come off of your site without a hard dick. It's usually more like cum on your site.

Kumbucket said...

4 % that's me, Cheers and Thank You for your stellar work. I've been following daily for about a year. Cheers.

Carl Miller Daniels said...

Glad I could take part in your survey. Your blog is a warm and friendly place, and I always enjoy my visits here. Best wishes, Carl :-)

Trey said...

Great site and collect bate material ! Try to check site daily !