Your Attention Please : should you own any kind of right upon a picture/video posted here and want it removed, please spare yourself the hassle of contacting Blogger, instead a simple email to my address will do the trick and I will swiftly remove that picture or video. To contact me just click on my Profile picture. Thank you.

Monday, August 14, 2023

I take responsibility for not asking the permission

Because these pictures are as beautiful (like the man is) as they are simple (the guy himself? not so much, LoL!).

Speaking of © please click Here


VoenixRising said...

Oh you!

Good thing I didn't post any of the from that time period!

Anonymous said...

Nice founding it

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, I think he's handsome.
I have a thing for mustaches and that time period, so I'm biased...