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Thursday, August 24, 2023

Rain & Thunder

At last it's getting breathable here after the episode of heatwave. I know some of you have experienced worse than the 35C/95F we had, only in the Loire valley where I live summer heat often becomes 'heavy'. But today I woke up to a sky filled with dark grey clouds that made me hope it would rain.
Right now it does and it's such a relief. I love a good storm, the rumblings of thunder you hear coming, getting louder one after another and the rain, heavy or light, cleansing everything and nourishing the soil and all the things that grow in it.
Living in a condo I'm lucky enough to have a pair of large balconies, one particularly which I kind of filled with what I called my urban jungle. This 'terrace' being half covered by the balcony of my neighbor upstairs, I'm writing this while the other half is being showered to the great pleasure of most of my plants. And after the heatwave we've had it feels better than anything, at least for the moment.
Wherever you are, I send you my very best vibes for your day.


whkattk said...

It stormed pretty good again here last night. Sitting out on the patio, watching and listening is pretty nice. Temps came back down - but are supposed to soar back into the 100s (F) by the weekend.

SickoRicko said...

I like stormy weather. I'm glad you're getting some relief.

elJiffy said...

salut from New England, USA, where temps are unusually comfortable for August, usually the hottest month of summer. It's a relief from the heat of last month, I'm not complaining, but it sure does feel odd.