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Saturday, August 12, 2023

Saturday Evening, At Last...

lazing about on my terrace after a hard day’s work (aren’t they all?), a glass of excellent wine at hand, posting a bunch of nude men for you to enjoy. Cheers!



Mistress Maddie said...

You had me with the first three!!!!!!

Hopefully I'll be sucking some grade A cock tonight myself!!!!

BatRedneck said...

Then I wish you a delicious and mouthful night :-)

elJiffy said...

Salut, Laurence. Your blog has been put under a double verification of age sign-in process by Google. As has mine, and other too. No impediment though for legit viewers.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer.
Bisous, Jeff

elJiffy said...

Update on above comment. I just checked in on my blog and find that Google has blocked my latest post per its community standards. Granted, the post was full of dick and sucking thereof, but that's been the case for the past several years I've kept the blog, with never any censorship until now.
What community is Google safeguarding, and what are its standards?

Anonymous said...

#27 yeah

Big Dude said...

Keep those ejaculation shots coming...uh...cumming.

hsgisme said...

Sounds like a lovely evening ❤