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Friday, August 25, 2023


Alright Carl: I'm not deaf - nor blind for that matter - and I appreciate your efforts to spread the good name and content of your blog. Therefore have I included it in W&R's bogs-list widget.

The blog > Here

The poems > forget about @mazon, just go asking your local bookseller (also, here is a nice place for purchasing used books)

PS: no need to thank me, I can't help but being gloriously nice, at least once in a while  ^__^


whkattk said...

He does post some nice poles - er, I mean, poems.

BatRedneck said...

Love your sense of humor, Pat. But that you already know :-)

Though I think that - and now I'm addressing you, Carl - since you already go by the epithet of iconoclast, then you could name your next book "Poles in Poems".
(if so then be plain as from the book-cover so that grandma Strelizsky does not buy it by mistake...)

Carl Miller Daniels said...

Hello BatRedneck -- Thank you for the Shoutout! Much appreciated. Happy Saturday! :-) Best wishes, Carl Miller Daniels