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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Some Can French-bash Us All They Want. Yet...


JiEL said...

France isn't the only country to do it.
Here in Province of Québec, Canada, we have such behavior from our supermarket stores and even restaurants.

We also have some practices that you can also buy some «non perfect» vegtables or fruits at less cost.
The product with a «best before» strickers are given to some food help centers too...

The anti waste philosophy is getting everyone here more ground.

jsstrand said...

Not legal here in Texas - it all goes in the dumpster which is absolutely criminal - also, restaurants should be allowed to donate kitchen leftovers to homeless shelters etc - also not currently legal here - the monumental waste of food in this country is abysmal!!

uptonking said...

Yes, please. And restaurants, too. There is so much food waste. Trouble is? People are spoiled and picky. We now have free lunches for all school children. They will take them and half will end up in the bin. Humans... just the worst thing to ever happen to this planet.

SickoRicko said...

It should be that way everywhere!