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Friday, August 4, 2023

While We're At It

A quick question out of curiosity: when visiting this blog, how often would you say you right-click/save pictures? Just input in your comment the number that fits your habit:

1 - Never

2 - I don't but I sometimes/often leave some of them open in their own tabs

3 - Only the ones that match my definition of 'husband material'

4 - Any nude man that fuels any of my fantasies 

5 - Most of what’s posted here!


Masterjedi333 said...

Sin lugar a dudas el apartado 5.
Visitó tú blog todos los días. Enhorabuena por la selección que realizas diariamente. Gracias...

Anonymous said...

I am here every fucking day, LOL. Thank you dear for all the great pictures you provide us. Answering your question: 4.

Luke said...


Anonymous said...

number 4 and almost every day!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

#4 - def save the ones that take my fancy!

hsgisme said...


ErikAG59 said...

I look at your blog every day. As far as saving pictures, I am a 3.

usmcmike44 said...

#4 for me and I'm here everyday.

Please have a look at my site, I'm a beginner so be kind.


VoenixRising said...

We have very similar tastes. #4

SickoRicko said...

A solid 4.

Anonymous said...

#4 usually

jr73080 said...

I guess my # is 4, but I would add #6 to the list images that you might use for other things.

Anonymous said...

Has someone else taken control of this blog? It used to be so much more diverse and better. Now it's all about twinks and sleazy models. Hardly any normal men anymore. So pity.

Anonymous said...

#3 and, depending on taste, sometimes none, sometimes 10. Sets really suck cause if you ain’t into it, that eliminates a whole bunch of pics. But, sometimes not. I’m sure this was extremely unhelpful. Keep it up 👍

JiEL said...

No.3 Mostly uncut men with well shaved faces and not too hairy.

Sorry to say but that beard fashion is turning me off except for those young men with well trimmed ones.

aussieguy said...


Unashamed Male said...

Hi, Laurent. Mine is #4, but with a twist: ones that I might use in my blog. For example, a guy with an American flag on Aug. 2 who I might use in a future 4th of July post. -Larry

jobj69 said...

I would say #4, though what I save goes in my file containing pictures from which I will sketch/paint homoerotic art...thank you for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

#4, but if they are fully depilated

Anonymous said...

I am here everyday. As for an answer to the question I would say that I am #4

James said...

Beautiful men, but I maybe save 2 to 3 per day.

Fernando said...

3-Husband material( but I´m not married, no even have couple). DILF hairy men.

Carl Miller Daniels said...

4 - Any nude man that fuels any of my fantasies -- And I always enjoy my visits to your blog. :-)

Anonymous said...


Paul Walrus said...

4 definitely. usually the uncut veiny ones...

Anonymous said...

It's a huge 4 for me. Thanks for keeping my fantasies rolling.