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Friday, December 15, 2023

Sometimes A Book Can Be Judged By Its Cover


Xersex said...

absolutely true!

whkattk said...

So, so, SO true.

Plus, Uncle Joe has brought the country back to life. Low unemployment, higher wages, lowered inflation, and a stock market at record levels.

Tom said...

I totally AGREE! But, Joe and the Entire Democrat Party has to get out there and tell the whole nation what he has done, "AGGRESSIVELY" and Loudly. You'd be surprise how quickly folks forget about the Turmoil the Last guy caused and Won't Vote because they think he's too old!

Big Dude said...

Vote blue! Biden is a good man!

BatRedneck said...

I knew he'd do I again. You know: the anonymous maga-crap who wanders here on a daily basis to get his prick hard and systematically pukes his logorhea of insults as soon as I post something Democratic.
He cannot help it.
For my very entertainment :-p
Thank you, maga-tard!
(though I must say you’ve been a wee bit short of inspiration this time)