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Monday, July 29, 2024

Can't Help But Posting This One

Thanks, Mark


Anonymous said...

Brilliantly written and succinct
Google is there to clarify any questions, use it
Thanks, Chad

JiEL said...

Thank you for this clarifying text. On my blog I posted some video and pistures of this wonderfull olympic «ouverture» and did have one «silly Chrisitan freak« who said bad things about it. So now I did post your text and it's my pleasure to nail this moron with it.

whkattk said...

Oh, there are SO many idiots clutching their pearls over the opening ceremonies. if they'd only paid a teensy little attention in history classes. Oh, wait...their classes are only about whitewashed things.

Unashamed Male said...

Thank you for posting this, Laurent. The morons who are complaining are the same ones who want to teach the Bible in public schools instead of science and history. --Larry

SickoRicko said...

Good post! Stick it to 'em!

uptonking said...

Hee hee... loosen the clutch!