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Monday, August 5, 2024

Monday Fuel


SickoRicko said...

I can go on with my day now.

uptonking said...

Me, before visiting this site: "I'm not horny."
Me, after visiting this site: "Someone do me NOW!"

P.S. - I want that UPS Man! Woof!

BatRedneck said...

Rick: I agree, it’s important to start the week on a positive note.

Upton: that's a fine and gluttonous choice :-)

whkattk said...

Nice distraction as we await Kamala's decision on VP. I'm all for Pete Buttigieg, the US and the world at large ready for a gay man? We shall see.

Michehot said...


BatRedneck said...

Pat: Pete Buttigieg would certainly have been an interesting choice. But I've just learned Kamala Harris' wit made her choose Minnesota's governor Tim Walz, which seems strategically smart.
Since July 25 whenBiden has decided not to stand for re-election and endorsed her, I cannot help but feeling hopeful for you and all your fellow citizens.
Likewise, I do hope that, come November elections, voters will massively show up to the polls. Women, Gen-Z, people of color, all the people who feel are being wronged by the orange turd and his zealots.
And believe me: if a somewhat simple guy like me from a middletown in France feels concerned, then it possibly tells a lot about the acuteness the rest of the world will put in what will go on during the next three monts in your country.
Still I remain confident, for I have the feeling that Kamala Harris embodies the saying "Hope for the best - Prepare for the worst".

Bobby b said...

Thank you for the Sweet Sexy Oriental Spicy 🤤 Delicious

whkattk said...

It really helps us to know there are people like you over in Europe who hold as much concern as we do for the outcome. Thank you! Merci!
I watched the Philadelphia rally and realized that Walz was exactly the right choice.