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Saturday, January 25, 2025

A Pawn Indeed

Pawns are cannon fodder, doomed to be expelled from the game for someone else's benefit.
This one? I believe History books have a guillotine-narrative in store for him.

Thanks to Mark


Anonymous said...

Notice how Trump and his spawn don’t look too comfortable in church, of course they never want to hear the truth, they believe too much in their own lies.

Anonymous said...

This post is worth a 1000 words. Everyone in this picture show their true colors. Look at those expressions……

JiEL said...

For sure all those of Trump's family are demons so what is more struggling than to be in a church where one bishop is giving you the slaps on your faces you deserve.

Mistress Maddie said...

You have no idea how I would love to play the Queen of Hearts with Trump in front of me and I can declare Off With His Head!

Paul Walrus said...

"I find [Christ's Message of love] very boring..."
-Donald Duck n Weave

Mogador said...

Au contraire.. je crois qu'il est capital. Ne pas répondre à la violence par la violence. Sinon on ne s'en sortira jamais.

Anonymous said...

Délicieux :)
-Beau Mec à Deauville

Anonymous said...

Vrai, ils auront l’enfer à payer.
-Beau Mec à Deauville

whkattk said...

That's a perfect analogy of his whininess.

areibier said...

I apologize. You're right. Everybody should post what he likes. To be honest something good came out of it. You mentioned the name of my blog and visits went Sky High. So thank you.

Workmen and Rednecks said...

You're welcome, areibier ;-)