For the second time this week I just received a mail from Google which subject is: "Your article titled “” has been placed behind a warning message for readers", arguing that the post had been flagged to them. Flagged? By a stupid redondant algorithm, no doubt, as I received these emails within a minute after posting the articles.
What's the use of this anyway? The access to the blog, as any adult Blogger's page, is always showing an adult content warning before accessing it.
Considering the current sad state of the US society one would think Google could put his resources to a better use than such useless crap. Whatever.
Have fine day all.
All the whole thing's a bunch of b*******. I've had post completely unpublished, and at times I'm very confused as to why, as it wasn't anything that vulgar or dirty in it. I've had far more worse post that didn't get flagged on unpublished.
Ah, you, too, eh? I got that two days in a row now. How long before they shut us down?
I got one of those notices this morning but the post is still up.
My understanding is Google does flagging through a service out of the Philippines. They once interviewed one of the handlers of this service who admitted to hating lgbt people and any lgbt site. Censorship from an asshole no less. :\
Rex in DC
Two days ago I got the same idiotic email from Blogger telling me that a post had been put behind the Sensitive Content warning (when my whole blog is already behind that warning) and another idiotic email yesterday saying that the post had been "reinstated", whatever that means, since nothing changed – the post was and is visible, and it was and is behind the warning. I think these messages are being generated by an Artificial Intelligence routine, since no human could be so stupid.
Got same email as well, frustrating as it is no longer under a warning when I checked the post.
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