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Friday, October 1, 2021

781. I Was Told Yesterday Was 'Blasphemy Day'

THIS looks like blasphemy to me:

Backroom business - Photograph: Paul Hilton - 2020 Wildlife Photographer of the Year

780. TGIFriday's Men

779. Dear Pr Heinrich...

Nobody remembers you, however...
we all know about Mr Einstein.
Life is a bitch, is it not?

But this letter is a fake, which I fell for.
a) the letter is written in English, Bern is located in Switzerland and Einstein was German,
b) the postal code is wrong: that four digits system wasn't adopted there until the 1960s,
c) there has never been a dean named Wilhelm Heinrich at Bern's University

Thx to Deanter in the comments for reminding me that fun is not reason enough not to check the facts :-)

778. Want!

Thursday, September 30, 2021

777. The World Could Use More Of That Stuff

I may have posted that one before but, anyway...
Who could sing that one better but two of his closest friends?

Oh crap, I think I went nostalgic tonight, didn't I?