Your Attention Please : should you own any kind of right upon a picture/video posted here and want it removed, please spare yourself the hassle of contacting Blogger, instead a simple email to my address will do the trick and I will swiftly remove that picture or video. To contact me just click on my Profile picture. Thank you.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020




luis jhonson said...

Hola amigo. He compartido tu pagina en mi blog, en el apartado BLOGS GAY. Saludos y salud.

BatRedneck said...

Hola Luis y muchas gracias. Hice lo mismo con un enlace a tu blog. Que tengas una gran víspera de Año Nuevo, este malvado año 2020 finalmente llegará a su fin. Laurent.

Xersex said...

magnifique! Great!
don't forget to put my in your list among "My Blog List"

BatRedneck said...

That was a mistake, and it now stands corrected :-)