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Thursday, September 30, 2021

775. Dopplegängers


uptonking said...

Amazing. I like this series even better! Those are SO COOL! I can't imagine finding a painting that looked like me... is there are horror category?

BatRedneck said...

Could you please define 'horror category'? For I'd like to apply, LoL!

I know there are filters, like for smartphones pictures thingies, that turn selfies into nightmarish-creepy-zombie-like version of whoever. I tried one some years ago and it was awesome like in "so that's how I'll look after a couple of months six feet under?... I WANNA APPLY FOR A CREMATION PLAN!!!" :-p

whkattk said...

LOL. I've never thought of doing that. How much fun would it be?

SickoRicko said...

So much fun.

Milleson said...

A remarkable find, Mr. B. You've given us a load of artistic eye candy today.

BatRedneck said...

@Pat: First we'd have to stumble upon an ancient portrait which would resemble us enough :-)
I am thinking mine would be a painting of Dorian Gray somewhere in-between the two known concepts.

@Rick: I agree and very much like these men's sense of humor.

@Milleson: Please call me Laurent. And I am nothing but a blogger re-posting what he finds worth it.

Michehot said...

So funny!!!!!