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Friday, December 31, 2021

1092. Let's Give Back to Caesar What's His

It has been a while since I celebrated my fondness for mature men. So here’s to them enviable daddies, gorgeous uncles and other enjoyable cousins.


hsgisme said...

Nice set to start the new year! Many beautiful men to swoon over...sigh... :)

SickoRicko said...

Let's see... I'll start with No.2.

Anonymous said...

I agree, #2 it's a great start, I would love to get lost in all that bush...Top to bottom!

BatRedneck said...

@hsgisme: yes, I often sigh and grunt too at the sight of them guys, very often...

@Rick: furry mood is a good mood. But again you know me: I have quite a range of moods when it comes to men :-)

@Anon: sex in the bushes is sure fun, moreover when the only thorn here is edible, yum!

uptonking said...

Ah, what qualifies one as a daddy? How fun. Thanks for the variety... ageism sucks in the homo world, so it's nice to celebrate those of a certain age... Kizzes.

Anonymous said...

great pictures of beautiful men (old and young).

Anonymous said...

best set of pictures so far!! keep up the good work!

Darryl said...

Really liked the man sitting on the stairs with his towel opened.... But appreciate all men of an age willing to share their goods.
Thanks Darryl