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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Had Your Christmas Time? Now It's My Turn

I've read posts on friends' blogs appropriately reminding us how this season is about caring about others.
I think it's only fair we remind ourselves that, while many of us enjoy enjoy the many and all possibilities we have at hand, each of them are only made available because of us workers willing to work throughout these jolly days, like me and my esteemed colleagues did during the past weekend, and will do during the coming one.
Whatever fills your next glass, please raise it to each and every Melvin, Aïda, Corinne, Lenny, Benoît, Ouallid, Odile, Charles… and whoever holds the fort and helps keep the world turning 24/7.
Let it be known that, should I ever end up under a tombstone, I’d like it carved with "I found purpose in being useful to others".

(excerpt from Being a Drama-Queen for the Dumbs' last Chapter: How to make your funeral’s attendance feel a tad uncomfortable, ha, ha!)

Anyways, I'm off again for two days at the beloved countryside mansion. Lucky me.
But that souldn't keep me from posting some of the many beasts that haunt my hard-drive.


Xersex said...

#16: he looks a lot like Jakub Stefano (Bandoch, here on my blog). In my opinion he's him there! (and with his own cum?)

Big Dude said...

When I worked at the airport, I had three Christmases and five Thanksgivings I am in complete sympathy with anyone whose job has them working on the major holidays...nurses, police, military, airport employees....

uptonking said...

Enjoy your time away. These men? They can fill my cup any old day! Kizzes.

whkattk said...

We should always appreciate those who spend the holidays keeping the world running and afloat. Here in this 24/7 city, my wife is one of them. As we like to say, "There's no such thing as a holiday in the gaming industry."

SickoRicko said...

The "behind the scenes" folks are way underappreciated. Have fun!

David said...

Great post. I too worked over the holiday, but I'm fortunate enough to have a job that I'm grateful to have, and that I enjoy. So it wasn't a big deal to me. I just take my laptop with me and work on my blog the whole time while I'm there. Can't beat that! In the past I have had other jobs that were not fun to be at on a holiday. So I have empathy for anyone who has to work on a holiday and doesn't enjoy their job.

Xersex said...

"this season is about caring for others." True, but if every day would be about caring for others, this earth would be a paradise.

Anonymous said...

Number 9 is the man of my dreams… really! Who is he? Do you have more pics of him? 😍😍😍

BatRedneck said...

@Xersex: could be him indeed. Thx for the link.

@Big Dude: it takes one to know one, as always :-)

@Upton: the kind of tea party I'd be all for too.

@Pat: I bet her job gets even more intense during holiday season times!

@Rick: we both know most of the best men are to be found 'behind the scene' :-p

@David: as per what you say your current job sure has its advantages. I guess I could manage working on this blog from the workplace, but I'd have to blindfold my colleagues first, LoL!

@Anon: I don't think that I came across him previously but you're right : he's striking.